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A Brand New "Dragazine" Launches, From The Makers of Gay Times

A brand new magazine, dedicated to the world of drag is now available as an E-Magazine, with a physical copy promised, depending on the success of the digital version.

The magazine launched yesterday and is now available for iOS, Android, Windows Phone, PC & Mac.

It includes interviews and photos with the world's best queens!

This statement from their website explains exactly what the magazine has to offer:

"More fabulousness that you can throw a wig-wearing glitter stick at! Shade Dragazine is the world’s first quality, content-driven magazine dedicated to all things drag. Think campery and catfights, make-up and break-ups - then throw in the most glamourous of glamazons - and you’re half way there. In each issue we will bring you loads of full-length interviews and photoshoots with your favourite drags stars and their friends."

The magazine is available to buy for just £1.50 ($1.99) from

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