Featured Queen: Londyn Blac
Luke Drözdiak is a 15 year old queen from Kent, UK who started doing drag roughly a year ago. Drözdiak felt inspired after watching RuPaul's Drag Race. Read our Q&A with Londyn below;
How does drag make you feel?
Honestly I feel that drag is a really helpful way of showcasing and releasing my creative side which I feel that I had some trouble with doing when I was a bit younger, but over the course of time I think that drag is really good for letting your creative mind flow
Who are your inspirations for your drag persona?
Lady Gaga, Raven and Pearl are definitely a few of the big ones, with a little bit of Kylie Jenner thrown in there :)
Who are your favourite queens?
I absolutely love Max Malanaphy, a very underrated queen in my opinion, Sharon Needles is great as well, because she set a really good example for queens who want to stand out with their drag, and I also love Bianca Del Rio as well, I mean, who doesn't right? The best winner in my opinion 😊
Is there a specific look you like to go for?
For me personally, I want to look as fishy and feminine that I possibly can, because I really do feel beautiful and myself when I do drag. I've always felt that way I suppose, I sit there before I do my makeup and think 'I know I look great, how can I look BETTER' you know?
What would be your ultimate ambition you would like to achieve through drag?
I know I'm young but I cannot wait for the future, it's gonna be so bright for me I know it. I want to perform in clubs and events cause it just looks like so much fun! And hopefully when the time comes I'll get to do RuPaul's Drag Race in the UK, which would be just a dream come true😊
Do you perform in drag?
No I don't perform in drag yet, because I'm only 15, but when the time comes you'll never catch me not performing my heart out!
If you could only have 3 makeup to do your complete drag makeup look for the rest of your life what would they be?
Definitely some foundation to cover my manly spotty face, a good old eyebrow pencil to keep the fleekage real,
and a nice neutral lipstick cause I can never finish a good drag look without it you know?
What is your favourite piece of fashion or accessory from your wardrobe?
Definitely my black corset that my cousin gave me as a gift, I wear it every time I'm in drag because it creates such a feminine look, also it slims me down a hella lot which is just so helpful
Where do you see yourself in 5 years time?
In five years I see myself moving to the United States and really building up on my drag career performing with loads of friends and just have fun while I can, because I want to make it last because it's all I've ever wanted to do from the start.
What's your opinion on the recent popularity of drag, due to things such as RuPaul's Drag Race?

I think it's great! I always thought it was particularly popular but as I said, RuPaul's Drag Race has brought a lot of attention to this art form, which I am so thankful for to be frank. I hope that I can meet people who are into it just as much as I am!
Anything else we should know about your persona?:
I don't really wear Lashes.
I always lose my lashes
I use the same wig all the time
I only have one wig
A great friend of mine is Reneé Estranger
I actually hate Reneé Estranger
Guys always direct message me thinking I'm a real woman, I always have to tell them I'm a man
I use really cheap makeup products, and I use baby powder in all of my looks!
--------------------------Thank You To Londyn For This Q&A--------------------------
Instagram: LondynBlac
Twitter: LondynBlac
Facebook: Luke Drozdiak/Londyn Blac
Tumblr: LondynBlac
Snapchat: LondynBlac
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