Meet Baby Face

Luke Dawe is a 17-year-old drag queen from Leamington Spa who goes by the drag name Baby Face, he caught our eye on Instagram with his gorgeous-yet-trashy makeup looks (You'd be surprised to know, he's only been doing makeup for 7 months!) We decided to ask him about his persona, and a bit about his drag background. Read the interview below:
What is your current city?:
Leamington Spa right now, going to uni in London next year though to get my foot in the door of the drag scene there
Was there a specific reason you started doing drag? What was it? I watched drag race and started putting makeup on "ironically".

Many queens say they feel liberated and free when they are in drag, how does drag make you feel? Most importantly it gives me a platform to express my gender fluidity, as well as allowing me to express myself creatively, while giving me something to aim for and aspire after. It's honestly my favourite thing in the world. Also it makes me feel fucking hot.
Who are your drag idols/inspirations and why? Pearl a hundred percent is visually my biggest inspiration. I'm really into the fashiony side of drag, like Fame and Violet, but also love the kind of trashy queen look, like Adore or Rubber Child. I feel like Pearl can bring those two elements together really well, I'd love to go in that sort of direction visually when I really kick start my drag career.
Who inspires your makeup and fashion? Ok I feel like I just answered that but makeup wise I'm really into the harsh contour and eye styles that makes it look like you haven't slept in about 3 days. I also love using white underneath to open up the eye, I got that from Adore and Pearl. I don't cover my eyebrows because mine are fine thanks.

What do you aim to achieve through drag? (Would you like to pursue is at a career, etc?) To be honest I've wanted to be a somebody since I was like 8 but I can't sing or act so I'm really scraping the bottom of the barrel here. Kidding I love drag more than anything (but I am gonna be famous.)
Do you perform in drag? If so, where? Give me a year.
Is there anything else we should know about Baby Face? [Baby Face is a] trashy, blood-sucking, chain-smoking, alcoholic. So basically me but I can't afford to chain smoke or be an [alcoholic,] fuck that I can't even get served yet.
Be Sure to follow Baby Face on social media at the links below! Twitter: @vrscboy Instagram: @lukexdawe