Featured Queen: Rhedd Rhumm
Rhedd Rhumm is a 22 year old drag queen, who reached out to us on Instagram to be featured. Read our Q&A with Rhedd below.
When did you first start doing drag?
I started in 2011 but didn't start performing till 2013!
What would you say your performance style is?
I'd say my performance style is a culmination of a lot of things; lip sync, dance and monologues. But mainly I dabble in theater performance!
Would you say you use drag as an extension of your personality? How does it make you feel when you're in drag?
Drag definitely makes me feel more of an extrovert, I have the ability to be more social and have a bit more confidence than I already do. There are parts of Richard that makes up Rhedd but at the same time, I feel the two are seperate entities.
Who inspires your drag persona? Are there any particular fellow queens you take inspiration from? Or just any other inspirational people, in general?
My persona is a combination of Elphaba Bayonetta and Viola Davis. I love women who are strong and can be independant of themselves. One queen that I really look to for guidance and inspiraton is Lady Marisa. She is one of the biggest names in the new Jersey drag scene.
So is that something you aspire to be? One of the biggest names in your scene? What would you ultimately hope to achieve through drag?
For that, there's two sides of the coin. I do wanna be a big name in drag and be known for my style, but along with that I want to be known for what I do as a community member also. And I mean, I suppose I'd love to be able to host my own shows one day. Have it be a showcase of new queens that are trying to get their bearings in drag.
Now, for some trivial questions! If you could only use 3 makeup products to complete your loom for the rest of your life, what would you choose?
A FULL coverage foundation, a red lipstick and eyeliner. I've done a minimalist makeup look once using just those items and it was cute, so I could deal.
What is your go-to outfit? Your one favourite item in your wardrobe? (Photo; right)
Black black black. Anything black. Black is the best thing to wear always. Lol black shoes, black dress, black lipstick. BLACK
Where do you see yourself in five years time?
Honestly, having my own center teaching the art of drag.
Thank you to Rhedd Rhumm for taking part in this Q&A. Follow Rhedd on Instagram @RheddRhumm
and Follow us on Instagram & Twitter @Rest_Is_Drag
If you're an aspiring drag queen and would like to be a part of our featured queens series, please email restisdrag@outlook.com or DM us on Twitter or Instagram.