Ryhiane Casper is a fifteen year-old queen from Sydney, Australia. Ryhiane started drag Halloween 2014. Read Ryhiane's Q&A below.

When did you start doing drag?
I started doing drag before I can even remember. For me, drag is much more than the wigs and pretty lips, it's the transition from one part of me into my ego. It's more for me the emotional change that I notice when I am Ryhiane, when the wig is on and the shoes are there, my confidence flares and I feel perpetually happy within myself. However, to answer the question, I officially started when I went out in drag for Halloween, 2014.
What inspired you to start doing drag?
Nothing particularly inspired me, rather than the temptation of my mothers makeup in the bathroom. I always had in interest in anything feminine and so I just started doing makeup before my showers and then I'd wipe it all off and go to bed. There was a real progression in this stage, I kept to myself whilst doing it and it was here that I developed the fundamental skills for drag.
How does drag make you feel?
Drag makes me feel empowered. As Ryan, there are qualities I lack that affect my confidence. I feel as though I put up a wall during my everyday life and Ryhiane breaks that down really.
Who are you inspirations for your drag persona?
For my drag persona, I am heavily inspired by people like Jeffree Star and Alyssa Edwards, not particularly their drag style, rather their personalities and the way they interact with their fans. Style wise, I'm like the love child of Sharon Needles and Miss Fame.
Who are your three all time favourite Queens?
My 3 Favourite Queens of all time would be Alaska, Adore Delano and Alyssa Edwards.
Do you have a specific look you like to go for, or does your look vastly vary?
My looks vastly vary. I am very much a glamour queen, but I believe I am known for my creepy looks, I'm Casper, 'ya know? I am very much biker bitch meets pageant queen meets the crazy bitch in every horror movie you see.

What would be your ultimate ambition you would like to achieve through drag?
It's pretty cliche to say that my ultimate ambition through drag would be to get onto RuPauls Drag Race, but for now, reaching 1000 followers on Instagram is something more reachable.
Do you perform in drag?
I don't perform as I'm only 15, however I aim to when I'm old enough.
What songs would you like to perform when you're old enough?
My favourite song to perform to would without a doubt be "Lollipop Luxury" by Jeffree Star. A reason? I just think it's due to the fact the song is heavily sensual and sexy, something I can't be as Ryan.
If you could only have 3 makeup products to do your complete drag makeup look for the rest of your life, what would they be and why?
The rest of my life? That's a hard question. I think that I'd need my Jeffree Star lipsticks, the whole line can count as one, yeah? I would definitely need my foundation and I'd be happy with an eyeshadow palette. However, my fake blood is a staple.
What is your one favourite piece of fashion or accessory from your wardrobe?

My favourite piece in my wardrobe is my white leather heals. Platform stilettos that are absolutely gorgeous. They really help me to feel my punk rock fantasy.
Where do you see yourself in 5 years time?
In 5 years, I will definitely be somewhere in the club scene, making my way up the ladder. I feel like as a 15 year old, I am so set up and that's what I want to further. I want to further develop the Casper get up, I want to drill in the gore and I want to have my own fans, someone to appreciate my art.
What's your opinion on the recent increase in popularity of drag, due to things such as RuPaul's Drag Race?
I honestly thinks it's so great. RuPauls Drag Race I believe is an asset to the teen queen community, helping bio queens find a new hobby, helping the gay little boys find something to express themselves with. I also believe RPDR has helped me to explain myself to the people around me, to my family, friends and peers.
Anything else we should know about your drag persona?
- I chose the name Casper because I thought it was my friends favourite name. Her favourite name was actually Jasper.
- I only have 3 wigs, one of which I cut. If I could have anything to support my drag, it would be new wigs.
- I can get fully into drag in 30 minutes.
-------------------------------------Thank you to Ryhiane for this interview------------------------------------
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