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Featured Queen: Allison Wonderland

Allison Wonderland is a 17 year-old queen from Philadelphia. Read our Q&A with Allison below.

When did you start doing drag?

My first time in drag, was actually Halloween of 2010! I was 11 years old and my mom dressed me up as a Real Housewife of New Jersey

What inspired you to start doing drag?

RuPaul's Drag Race season 4 made me seriously believe I could do it, Sharon specifically. She showed me that drag wasn't just men in dresses.

How does drag make you feel?

I feel like a living doll! I feel like I can completely form myself how I imagine.

Who are you inspirations for your drag persona?

Lady Gaga, she is my foremost inspiration, both in drag and out! Also Disney movies! I love turning classic cartoon films into costumes!

Who are your three all time favourite Queens?

Ariel Versace (Who is actually my drag mother!


& Max!

Do you have a specific look you like to go for, or does your look vastly vary?

I love so many styles, but I always add my 40's pin-up flair to everything!

What would be your ultimate ambition you would like to achieve through drag?

I would like to just be able to spread my art to as many people as possible! I love sharing my art form.

Do you perform in drag?

Yes I do! At various locations around Philadelphia!

If you perform, what are some of your favourite songs to perform?

Toxic, by Britney Spears. Why? because it's a classic!

If you could only have 3 makeup products to do your complete drag makeup look for

the rest of your life, what would they be?

Mehron Cream Blend Sticks, for a flawless base, Black liquid liner, because it's so versatile! And a good matte liquid lipstick!

What is your one favourite piece of fashion or accessory from your wardrobe?

A simple black corset!

Where do you see yourself in 5 years time?

I see myself winning RuPaul's Drag Race, being able to share my art and love and hopefully being rich!

What's your opinion on the recent increase in popularity of drag, due to things such as RuPaul's Drag Race?

I feel that it opens plenty of doors for all queens! I'm all for it!

Anything else we should know about Allison?

I am the reigning winner of The Drag Race on Facebook and the season 1 winner of The Supreme Drag Race on Instagram! I plan on going to school to become a licensed cosmetologist and I am a freelance makeup artist!

-------------------------------Thank you to Allison for this interview--------------------------

Follow Allison on Social Media:

Instagram: @iAllisonWonderland

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