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Featured Queen: Danielle Wrong

Danielle Wrong is a 15 year-old queen from Cheyenne, Wyoming. Read Danielle's Q&A below.

When did you start doing drag?

Well I mean I have lots of times when I say I started doing drag. There was a time when I wore an outfit, a time where I did makeup and wore a wig, but the time I would say I ACTUALLY started was for the first episode of my old web series, "Beat That Face" which I co-hosted with my Bio Queen friend, Breazy. That was in October of 2014.

What inspired you to start doing drag?

I watched every season of Drag Race, before I started considering drag, but I never would have started, if it wasnt for Breazy, my drag mom, to say we should do it, just for fun, since she had some 5 dollar wigs! So props go to her for Danielle existing!

How does drag make you feel?

Drag makes me feel alive. It is truly my only passion in life and if I didn't have that, I wouldn't have anything. It is my only creative thing that I do, and so it really means alot to me.

Who are you inspirations for your drag persona?

Honestly I call Danielle a flirty, crazy, cute, scary whore. My biggest inspiration, as far as drag goes, is Tatianna, from season 2 of Drag Race. I also really pull alot from Sharon, Alyssa, Willam, Laganja, and Katya though. Outside of the drag world a huge inspiration for my drag are pop stars, Lady Gaga, Robyn, Marina and The Diamonds, and Lana Del Rey have made a huge impact on who my drag character is.

Who are your three all time favourite Queens?

My top 3 from Drag Race are Tati, Willam, and Alaska

My top 3 from the teen queen community are Breazy, Mythica, and Soap. They don't have to be amazing, to be my favorites.

Do you have a specific look you like to go for, or does your look vastly vary?

I either do daytime fish, or some alien with a scary black contour, there is RARELY an in between. Although I have recently shifted to doing some more "Avant Garde" stuff.

What would be your ultimate ambition you would like to achieve through drag?

Well obviously there is Drag Race, thats a given. But for a short term goal I would love to be on and win @TheSupremeDragRace (on instagram) All Star season! I got Miss C and top 4 on my season, so I feel like I could make it! But again long term is Drag Race and also getting my dad to see me in drag and be okay with it, because at this moment, he doesn't like it at all, and I need to change that.

Do you perform in drag?

I don't perform, seeing as I am 15, BUT I am making my first appearance at Wyoming Equality's Drag Bingo in January, and I do sort of perform on my youtube, with you can find by searching Danielle Wrong, Dani Wright, DanDaKittyCat, any of those!

What are some songs you would love to perform?

Again I don't perform, but 3 that I am ITCHING to perform are Carousel by Melanie Martinez, He's The Greatest Dancer by Sister Sledge, and a mix called Sexxx Yeah which is Marina Diamandis' [Marina and The Diamonds] Sex Yeah vocals over Lady Gaga's Sexxx Dreams


If you could only have 3 makeup products to do your complete drag makeup look for the rest of your life, what would they be and why?

Ben Nye cream foundation, Ben Nye brown cream, and a good industrial eyeliner are a MUST! I think I could still pass for an "Okay" drag queen if I had just those! God knows some teen queens DO get away with it! Haha

What is your one favourite piece of fashion or accessory from your wardrobe?

OKAY this is a hard one! if there is anything I pride myself on, it is my wardrobe. Me and Breazy own like 100's of dresses and articles of clothing, tons of jewelry and accessories, and like 50 shitty wigs. But I would have to say, my favorite thing in my wardrobe is this gorgeous purple toned dress that just barely hits the floor, I wore it for a "Future Fashion" look in SDR.

Where do you see yourself in 5 years time?

I see myself being MUCH better than I am now with drag, making okay money, having TOO MUCH shit in my closet, maybe getting on Drag Race, atleast performing regularly, and having a nice fan base. Oh also praying I have a boyfriend or atleast get steady trade.

What's your opinion on the recent increase in popularity of drag, due to things such as RuPaul's Drag Race?

I love that so many more people are being opened up to it! I really am! But with the popularity comes the hate and thats just something that drag queens are gonna have to deal with. Before RPDR there wasn't much of a teen queen community, and I would be okay if that didn't exist today, cause it's a little toxic, but then again, I love my drag family, who almost all started drag because of RPDR!

Anything else we should know about Danielle?

1. My drag name is a play on my real name, Daniel Wright. Think about it.... Danielle Wrong! Haha

2. Myself and my drag mom have started a small drag family of our own here in Wyoming! Ou

r family has had, at one time or another, Danielle, Breazy, Hot N Ready, Shalandi, Coco B, Jay Dick, and Dixie Normus!

3. I can only do drag a maximum of once a week, since I do it at my drag moms and my parents don't approve of it, so I usually only have a look every week.

4. I have only been in 2 competitions, getting 4th place in both, lipsyncing (or should have lipsynced) 4 times in both, and I won Miss Congeniality in SDR Season 2!

5. I will ALWAYS talk to you. I like to think i'm one of the nicest teen queens, so if you ever have a problem, TALK TO ME.

"I'd like to start out by saying I have an EP coming out very soon which includes some covers and original songs self titled "Danielle Wrong". I will also be returning to my youtube soon with some brand new series! Now heres all my social media links! FRIEND AND FOLLOW ME <3




Snapchat- DanielleDrag"

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